Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Week 1: And so my journey begins...

I placed my order 24-11-2012 and received my package on 27-11-2012 my first thought's what a small box :(

On 28-11-2012 I started Slim & Save as a VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) there is an option to start as a TFR (Total Food Replacement) I am however not ready to give up solids fully yet! 

My experience on a TFR has been fantastic, the first week is generally agonizing however get past the first one and you're flying, keep up with the water intake (between 2.5-3l per day) and you'll not feel hungry, the weight loss is rapid, and it's worthwhile getting ahold of some ketostix to check that your in ketosis (probably once a week).  These types of diets play havoc with your social life. Get used to drinking water, as most pops are out the window and alcohol is a no-no.

Week 1 Commencing: 28/11/2012
Day 1 - My Mam (70!) & Sister (50!) both having a joint birthday party!... Well the day started good, I really struggled with the water intake though, don't think I even got near to 1L.  I will confess that I had baked cakes for the occasion and I did have a slither (what's the point slice - was almost translucent) of my sticky toffee cake... I did bake it after all. Extra meal was dry fried bacon with spring greens - tasty :)

Day 2 - Oh my gosh, I am aware of every smell of food. This is a battle between willpower and belly, a few kind words from colleagues helps and a re-focus of why I am doing this helps put things into perspective. Extra meal of bacon and spring greens - lush!

Day 3 -  It's Friday woo-hoo I swear I live for this work day finishing! I had been good all day until I got home, a small tart, and a binge on the bars (I felt a bit ashamed of myself afterwards, then the realisation kicked in that each one of the bars I ate was a meal I would go without as the next 25 days hover near, I had a hunger which I could not shift. I felt like Yogi Bear (where's the picnic baskets). I couldn't drink the water allowance, had 4 small cups of water all day, just not appealing at the minute. I added vegetarian sausages and asda hot and spicy stir fry mix for my extra meal.

Day 4 - Shopping day with Mam and lots of Christmas wrapping! Well other that turning into Martha Stewart for a few hours - trust me it was a great distraction, I have been really good on plan. Have not cheated on myself today, again not having the thirsty vibes just not interested in drinking that amount of fluid yet.  So little victory dance for me for being a saint today ;)  Extra meal was bacon with spring greens I think I'm addicted - hahaha!

Day 5 - OK today is a birthday meal at a Chinese buffet for my Mam and all family are going to be there, Mam desperately wants me to be there, but I can't eat and these places require you to pay for heads whether they are eating or not. It's going to be a challenge, I'll probably drink my body weight in water hahaha... Anyway I decided to root through my box and I'm feeling slightly sorry for myself, I didn't realise there was more text on the reverse side of the cooking instructions. I knew I could have 100g protein and 200g of vegetables but didn't realise it was limited, so although I have lost weight I could have potentially lost more than I have if I'd read this first - d'oh! Went to the kebab shop for a chicken kebab with salad no bread - was lovely - and still well behaved.

Day 6 - Stayed on plan today, nothing really to remark on, was a relatively 'meh' day.

Day 7 - Well I wasn't an angel today, I had my first two packs and nothing more until tea time and had a small pizza for tea.

So then here we are it's a summary of my first week and my weight loss, I may not have been as good (and enlightened) as I would have liked to have been (we're not all angels all of the time) but I'm not preaching to anyone, the end results of the week are still far better than prior to starting my VLCD.

I made a chart which I stuck to my wall at home, this is just a simple grid with decreasing numbers representing lbs, and I have a starting lb weight and a final goal lb weight, as I weigh myself I cross off the numbers I've lost and it's a great little motivating tool. Pic below :)



After Week 1 Weigh-in: 16st7lbs (231lbs)
Measurements (inches):
16.5 - Neck
46.5 - Shoulder (Circumference)
46.5 - Bust/Chest
44 - Waist
50 - Hips
9.5 - Left Forearm
13 - Left Bicep
10 - Right Forearm
13.5 - Right Bicep
23 - Left Thigh
16 - Left Calf
23 - Right Thigh
16 - Right Calf 

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